
NLO Crystals

Wavelength:1030 nm   

Chemical Formula:Y3Al5O12:Yb

Melting point:1970°C

Orientation:within 5°

Density:4.56 g/cm3

Parallelism:≤ 10"

Perpendicularity:≤ 5′

Flatness: 0.1 wave maximum

Surface quality at 5X:20-10

  • Description
  • Features
  • Curve

Yb:YAG is one of the most promising laser-active materials and more suitable for diode-pumping than the traditional Nd-doped systems. Compared with the commonly used Nd:YAG crsytal, Yb:YAG crystal has a much larger absorption bandwidth to reduce thermal management requirements for diode lasers, a longer upper-laser level lifetime, three to four times lower thermal loading per unit pump power. Yb:YAG crystal is expected to replace Nd:YAG crystal for high power diode-pumped lasers and other potential applications. 

Yb:YAG shows great promise as a high power laser material. Several applications are being developed in the field of industrial lasers, such as metal cutting and welding. With high quality Yb:YAG now available, additional fields and applications are being explored.

Advantages of Yb:YAG Crystal 

● Very low fractional heating, less than 11%

● Very high slope efficiency

● Broad absorption bands, about 8nm@940nm

● No excited-state absorption or up-conversion

● Conveniently pumped by reliable InGaAs diodes at 940nm(or 970nm)

● High thermal conductivity and large mechanical strength

● High optical quality 


With a wide pump band and excellent emission cross-section Yb:YAG is an ideal crystal for diode pumping.

High Output Power 1.029 1mm

Laser Material for Diode Pumping

Materials Processing, Welding and Cutting


Copyright ? 2021 Chengdu Xinyuan Huibo Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. all rights reserved. Shu ICP Bei No. 09016167 Fax: 86-28-85728379

Address: Building 4, No. 1455, section 4, xihanggang Avenue, Shuangliu, Chengdu Tel: 86-28-85729259   15883578971    17345826515  

Email: sales5@yagcrystal.com ; sales1@yagcrystal.com ; sales2@yagcrystal.com